See open issues to become an early contributor.
Welcome to ReferralNetworkHub - The open-source platform for connecting professionals and facilitating job referrals within companies.
ReferralNetworkHub is a web-based platform designed to streamline the job referral process. It allows professionals to connect with each other and refer job candidates who may be interested in opportunities within their companies. This platform aims to simplify the referral process, enhance collaboration among professionals, and improve job search outcomes for candidates.
- User Registration and Authentication: Secure user sign-up and login functionality for both referrers and candidates.
- Professional Networking: Allows candidates to connect with employees who can provide referrals for job opportunities within their companies.
- Referral Tracking and Management: Tools to track and manage the status of referrals.
- Communication Features: Messaging system for referrers and candidates to communicate directly.
- Responsive Design: Seamless user experience across various devices (desktops, tablets, and mobile phones).
To develop ReferralNetworkHub, the following technologies we are using:
- HTML/CSS/JavaScript: Basic building blocks for the web interface.
- React.js: A powerful JavaScript library for building web/user interfaces.
- React JSX & Module CSS: For component-based architecture and scoped styling.
- Node.js: A JavaScript runtime for building fast and scalable server-side applications.
- Express.js: A web application framework for Node.js.
- MongoDB: A NoSQL database for storing user data, job listings, and referrals.
- Mongoose: An ODM (Object Data Modeling) library for MongoDB and Node.js.
- JWT (JSON Web Tokens): For secure authentication and authorization.
- Git: Version control system for tracking changes and collaboration.
To get started with ReferralNetworkHub, please refer to the documentation for setup instructions and usage guidelines.
- Flowchart: Explore the flowchart illustrating user interactions Flow Chart.
We welcome contributions from the community! If you're interested in contributing to the development of ReferralNetworkHub, you can do so by:
Code Contributions: Please read the contribution guidelines for details on how to contribute to the codebase.
Design Contributions: If you're interested in contributing to the design of ReferralNetworkHub, you can access our Figma file to contribute to the design progression. Figma Design Progression
For more information or inquiries, you can contact at [email protected].
This project is licensed under the MIT License.