A command-line broadcast server for efficiently distributing messages to multiple connected clients in real time.
Understanding how to work with websockets.
Implementing real-time communication between clients and servers.
Understand how the real-time features of applications like chat applications, live scoreboards, etc., work.
Build a CLI based application that can be used to either start the server or connect to the server as a client. Here are the sample commands that you can use:
broadcast-server start - This command will start the server.
broadcast-server connect - This command will connect the client to the server.
The server should be able to handle multiple clients connecting and disconnecting gracefully.
- Node Js
- Docker
- WebSockets
Clone the repository
git clone https://github.com/RyanKaleliGabriel/RealTalk.git cd RealTalk.git
Set Environment Variables: The github API requires authentication for certain request. To avoid rate limits, you can use a personal Github access token. Create a .env file and add the your access token.
PORT=<your_server_port_number> HOST=<your_websocket_host> SERVER_URL=<websocket_server_url>
Running the CLI: Compile the typecript files then call it with the required arguements.
#Start the main broadcast server tsc node dist/broadcast-server.js start #On different terminals start different connect the client to the main broadcast server node dist/broadcast-server.js connect
- [start] (required): This command will start the server..
- [origin] (required): This command will connect the client to the server.
1. Main broadcast server conncetion
node dist/broadcast-server.js start
Broadcast server started on ws://localhost:3000
New client connected.
Received: Hello
New client connected.
Received: Hello from client 2
2. Fist client conncetion
node dist/broadcast-server.js connect
Connected to the server
Type a message and press enter to send
Broadcast from server: Hello
Broadcast from server: Hello from client 2
3. Second client connection
node dist/broadcast-server.js connect
Connected to the server
Type a message and press enter to send
Hello from client 2
Broadcast from server: Hello from client 2