A Web Application, created to manage a schools' sports teams - in relation to Students, Adults, and Rosters. All connected in an SQL database.
This application was built for our Second porject and uses all of our knowledge that has been taught to us thus far.
- Materialize
- JQuery
- JavaSCript
- Sequelize
- Node.JS
- Express
- Handlebars
To Run This application with existing seed data and creating new additions to the database - please do the following:
Clone the repo into a local directory
Run and NPM Install in the directory terminal
Copy data from schema.sql and run it in MySQL Workbench
Run "node server.js", to execute sequeliza commands and start the application
Copy data from seed.sql and run it in MySQL Workbench
As the terminal states, the application should be running on http://localhost:3000/ in your browser, continuing to console log in the terminal