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Scage is a framework to write simple 2D opengl games. It is written in Scala and based on several java libraries:

  • phys2d as a physics engine
  • lwjgl as an opengl wrapper
  • slick as a resource and texture loader

The main purpose of this project is to give a convenient tool for game-developers to write a code of pure functionality without any boilerplate.


  • Architechture similar to actors framework with different kinds of tasks executing on different stages of app lifecycle. Simililar to actors these tasks are anonymous functions, and you can add and remove them in runtime in any scope of your app. Its all singlethreaded, so you dont have to mess with messages.
  • Vast drawing library for any kinds of 2D opengl primitives.
  • Loading and utilizing fonts from ttf-files (based on 'Slick2D' api but with improvements).
  • i18n: loading strings and even the whole interfaces from xml files. Runtime language change.
  • Framework to build in-game interfaces from xml files of simple structure.
  • App settings can be specified in a text files as a key-value pairs. Lots of engine options are set that way (alongside with the standard possibility to set them as parameters) allowing fine-tuning without app rebuilding.
  • Tracers framework: easy game objects tracking and interacting on a two-dimensional game map.
  • Lightweight wrapper upon phys2d engine.
  • Easy app building/deploing (as a standalone or via webstart) using maven infrastructure.
  • Multiple platforms support: Windows, Linux, Mac, Solaris (thanks to Java and lwjgl actually). Similar build process for any platform (with maven).
  • Client/server network api upon actors with simple text protocol based on json format.

Please read the project wiki and especially see Examples page to learn more!

Hello World Example

###Rotating 'Hello World!' label

import net.scage.ScageScreenApp
import net.scage.ScageLib._

object HelloWorldExample extends ScageScreenApp("Hello World") {
  private var ang = 0f
  actionStaticPeriod(100) {
    ang += 5

  backgroundColor = BLACK
  render {
    print("Hello World!", Vec(-50, -5), GREEN)

'rotating "Hello World!" demo'

###Network api example

Scage's network api represents an asynchronous (in general) client-server model (using Scala's actors framework) and is based on simple text protocol over TCP/IP. Clients and server are send messages to each other in JSON format.

In the example below client sends to server random 2d vectors and server sends back corresponded normalized values.

import net.scage.ScageApp
import{NetClient, NetServer}
import{Vec, State}

object EchoExample extends ScageApp("Echo") {
    port = 9800,
    onNewConnection = {
      client => client.send(State("hello" -> "send me vec and I send you back its n!"))
      (true, "")
    onClientDataReceived = {
      (client, received_data) => received_data.neededKeys {
        case ("vec", vec:Vec) => client.send(State(("n" -> vec.n)))

    server_url = "localhost",
    port = 9800,
    onServerDataReceived = {
      received_data => received_data.neededKeys {
        case ("hello", hello_msg) =>
          val random_vec = Vec((math.random*100).toInt, (math.random*100).toInt)
          println("sending vec: "+random_vec)
          NetClient.send(State(("vec" -> random_vec)))
        case ("n", n:Vec) =>
          println("received n: "+n)
          println("waiting 5 sec...")
          val random_vec = Vec((math.random*100).toInt, (math.random*100).toInt)
          println("sending vec: "+random_vec)
          NetClient.send(State("vec" -> random_vec))

  dispose {

More examples

See Examples Page


###For Maven users

Add to your pom.xml the following:

        <name>Scage Maven Repo</name>

You can use archetype to create new scage project stub:

$ mvn archetype:generate -DartifactId=app -Dversion=0.1 -DarchetypeGroupId=scage -DarchetypeArtifactId=project-archetype -DarchetypeVersion=0.9 -DarchetypeRepository=

To launch app from the project stub you can type:

$ mvn clean test

This project stub has two profiles in its pom.xml for app building. To build a standalone app type in your console:

$ mvn clean package -Pbuild

Or just:

$ mvn clean package

as "build" is a default profile.

To build a webstart app type:

$ mvn clean package -Pwebstart 

This command will create "jnlp" folder in "target". Then you can upload this folder to your host.

You also can use some IDE with good Maven and Scala support (for example, IntelliJ IDEA).

###For non-Maven users.

Please install Maven =) I also try to create an sbt build scenario but that would take a lot of time as my knowledge of SBT is very poor.


Feel free to ask any questions by email or using issue tracker.


game engine written in Scala






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  • Scala 77.7%
  • Java 22.3%