This is the Github repository for my website, R_by_Ryo!
Usually about soccer, R conference/meetup roundups (RStudio, UseR!, TokyoR, etc.), and other data science-y things - all done in R.
⭐ There have been 50 posts on the blog since 2017-09-18.
📅 That’s about a post every 41 days, or about 0.7 posts per month.
🆕 The latest post was published 38 day(s) ago: Modding Rome Total War (Avatar, The Last Airbender mod) using R!.
📈 This 2D plot shows posts over time:
Below is a word cloud of all the different tags on my blog posts, it seems I mostly blog about " ggplot2":
Click to expand a full list of my blog posts
Last Updated 2023-04-22