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This is the Github repository for my website, R_by_Ryo!

Usually about soccer, R conference/meetup roundups (RStudio, UseR!, TokyoR, etc.), and other data science-y things - all done in R.

Expected Blog (xBlog) Stats

⭐ There have been 50 posts on the blog since 2017-09-18.

📅 That’s about a post every 41 days, or about 0.7 posts per month.

🆕 The latest post was published 38 day(s) ago: Modding Rome Total War (Avatar, The Last Airbender mod) using R!.

📈 This 2D plot shows posts over time:

A 2D chart where each point represents a post on an axis of time spanning from 2018 to the present. There are some gaps, but posts have been relatively consistent over time.

Below is a word cloud of all the different tags on my blog posts, it seems I mostly blog about " ggplot2":

Click to expand a full list of my blog posts
Number Date Title
50 2023-03-15 Modding Rome Total War (Avatar, The Last Airbender mod) using R!
49 2023-03-13 Managing Large R Codebases webinar (summary and slides)
48 2022-12-01 Iran vs. USA Tactical Review!
47 2022-11-15 J.League Soccer 2022 Season Review!
46 2022-09-20 101st TokyoR Meetup Roundup: Palmer penguins, fractal analysis, and more!
45 2022-07-22 Developer diary for {ggshakeR} 0.2.0 (a package for soccer analytics viz): Working smoothly as a team on GitHub for R package development!
44 2022-06-15 J.League Soccer 2022 Mid-Season Review!
43 2022-03-23 Developer diary for {ggshakeR} 0.1.2 (a package for soccer analytics viz): Implementing Github Actions CI tools (codecov, lintr, etc.) into the workflow!
42 2022-03-17 {tvthemes 1.3.0} is on CRAN: ‘Steven Universe’-themed color palettes for ggplot2!
41 2022-01-14 Solving the ‘preserving the sum after rounding’ problem for a soccer waffle viz
40 2021-12-20 J.League Soccer 2021 Season Review!
39 2021-09-23 Creating a data pipeline with Github Actions & the {googledrive} package for the Canadian Premier League soccer data initiative!
38 2021-07-26 J.League Soccer 2021 Mid-Season Review!
37 2021-05-06 Introducing {centralperk}: Get quotes from the main characters of the TV show ‘Friends’
36 2021-01-14 J.League Soccer 2020 Season Review with R!
35 2020-11-02 My R Table Competition 2020 Submission: xG Timeline Table for Soccer/Football with {gt}!
34 2020-08-03 87th TokyoR Meetup Roundup: {data.table}, Bioconductor, & more!
33 2020-05-14 Intro to {polite} Web Scraping of Soccer Data with R!
32 2020-02-12 My RStudio::Conf 2020 / TidyDevDay Roundup & Reflections!
31 2019-11-28 Visualizing the Premier League So Far, Part 2: Stats from Open Play and Set Pieces
30 2019-11-21 Visualizing the Premier League So Far, Part 1: Overview with xPts Tables and xG Plots
29 2019-11-04 {tvthemes 1.1.0} is on CRAN: Creating a {pkgdown} website, Gravity Falls palette, and more!
28 2019-10-30 81st TokyoR Meetup Roundup: A Special Session in {Shiny}!
27 2019-09-06 {tvthemes 1.0.0} is on CRAN: Code improvements, Kim Possible, Stannis Baratheon, Hilda palettes/themes, and more!
26 2019-08-21 Visualizing Soccer with StatsBomb Data and R, Part 1: Simple xG and Pass Partner Plots!
25 2019-08-02 80th #TokyoR Meetup Roundup: Econometrics vs. ML, Python with R, & Translating into Japanese!
24 2019-07-21 My useR! 2019 Highlights & Experience: Shiny, R Community, {packages}, and more!
23 2019-07-05 79th #TokyoR Meetup: {tidyr} 1.0.0, RAW image processing, and more!
22 2019-06-18 Visualizing the Copa América: Historical Records, Squad Profiles, and Player Profiles with xG statistics!
21 2019-05-31 78th #TokyoR Meetup Roundup!
20 2019-05-16 Introducing {tvthemes}: ggplot2 palettes and themes from your favorite TV shows!
19 2019-04-24 77th Tokyo.R Users Meetup Roundup!
18 2019-03-07 76th Tokyo.R Users Meetup Roundup!
17 2019-02-15 Visualizing Brooklyn Nine-Nine with R!
16 2019-01-25 My #TidyverseDevDay and #RStudioConf 2019 Reflections!
15 2019-01-11 Visualizing the Asian Cup with R!
14 2018-12-06 The JapanR Conference 2018 Round-Up!
13 2018-10-04 Visualizing the Weather in Japan: A Sweltering Summer Story!
12 2018-07-24 Animating the Goals of the World Cup: Comparing the old vs. new gganimate and tweenr API!
11 2018-07-05 Visualize the World Cup with R! Part 2: World Cup Drama - Visualizing Changes in the Group Table During the Final Matchday
10 2018-06-29 Visualize the World Cup with R! Part 1: Recreating Goals with ggsoccer and ggplot2
9 2018-06-07 Webスクレーピングから可視化まで、Tidyverseパッケージで探索データ解析(EDA)!
8 2018-04-30 My first R package building experience: Reflections from creating bulletchartr!
7 2018-04-02 Sakura Surprise: Cherry blossoms in Kyoto blooming earlier in the past ~100 years!
6 2018-01-12 Exploring Japan’s Postwar Economic Miracle with gganimate, tweenr, & highcharter!
5 2017-11-22 Where to live in Japan: XKCD-themed climate plots and maps!
4 2017-10-22 Thrice: Sentiment Analysis - Emotions in Lyrics!
3 2017-10-10 Thrice: Breaking Down The Lyrics Word-by-Word!
2 2017-09-30 Thrice: Initial Data Exploration and Song Length Distributions with Joy Plots!
1 2017-09-18 Global Peace Index: Web scraping and bump charts!

Last Updated 2023-04-22


Personal website 2.0







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