A simple bath-wise NLP tutorial using PyTorch.
- Python 3
- Pytorch 0.4.0
- conda
Clone this repo in your home directory (recommended)
git clone https://github.com/epochx/pytorch-nlp-tutorial cd pytorch-nlp-tutorial
Create a conda environment. If you don't have conda installed, I recommend using miniconda. You can then easily create and activate a new conda environment with Python 3.6 by executing:
conda create -n tutorial python=3.6 conda activate tutorial
Run the installation script
sh ./install.sh
A tutorial for sentence classification using PyTorch. We start by showcasing the PyTorch workflow with a simple Logistic Regression for irony detection on the SemEval 2018 Dataset, using one-hot vectors.
Later, we work on Sentiment Classification over the Large IMDB Movie Review Dataset, using a bidirectional LSTM with word embeddings.
Find the self-contained interactive Jupyter Notebook versions here:
- For the Logistic Regression:
- For the LSTM:
To run the examples in your own machine:
- Download the data (will create
)sh ./sequence_classification/get_data.sh
- For the Logistic Regression
python -m tutorial.sequence_classification.run_log_reg
- For the LSTM
python -m tutorial.sequence_classification.run_lstm
A tutorial for sequence labeling using a bidirectional LSTM and Conditonal Random Fields for NER for spanish over the CoNLL-2003 data.
Coming soon...