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Suricata IDS rules 用来检测红队渗透/恶意行为等,支持检测CobaltStrike/MSF/Empire/DNS隧道/Weevely/菜刀/冰蝎/挖矿/反弹shell/ICMP隧道等
An evolving how-to guide for securing a Linux server.
VPS融合怪服务器测评项目(VPS Fusion Monster Server Test Script)(尽量做最全能测试服务器的脚本)
ffffffff0x 团队维护的安全知识框架,内容包括不仅限于 web安全、工控安全、取证、应急、蓝队设施部署、后渗透、Linux安全、各类靶机writup
WAFW00F allows one to identify and fingerprint Web Application Firewall (WAF) products protecting a website.
Detect compliance and security violations across Infrastructure as Code to mitigate risk before provisioning cloud native infrastructure.
pocsuite3 is an open-sourced remote vulnerability testing framework developed by the Knownsec 404 Team.
Welcome to the page where you will find each trick/technique/whatever I have learnt in CTFs, real life apps, and reading researches and news.
ARL官方仓库备份项目:ARL(Asset Reconnaissance Lighthouse)资产侦察灯塔系统旨在快速侦察与目标关联的互联网资产,构建基础资产信息库。 协助甲方安全团队或者渗透测试人员有效侦察和检索资产,发现存在的薄弱点和攻击面。
A secure low code honeypot framework, leveraging AI for System Virtualization.
一款长亭自研的完善的安全评估工具,支持常见 web 安全问题扫描和自定义 poc | 使用之前务必先阅读文档
使用分支对抗技术制作的PHP Webshell,截止2024年1月18日,共数十个查杀引擎免杀
SafeLine is a self-hosted WAF(Web Application Firewall) / reverse proxy to protect your web apps from attacks and exploits.