A plant monitoring system based on Arduino.
- Arduino UNO
- DHT11
- LED-Matrix
- moisture sensor
- DC battery (9V)
- photocell
- SD card adapter
- stepper motor (turns plant depending on sunlight direction, 24h)
- bluetooth / WIFI / cable for data transmission, e.g. temp/moisture gradient/graph (eval. and displayed on mobile device/laptop/pc)
- RPi + webcam for timelap
- SD card for data storage/buffer + sound? 11.1 loudspeakers/amplifier + sound sensor
- PIR Motion Sensor (generic)
Moisture Sensor pin | Arduino pin |
+ | 5V |
- | GND |
S | (any analog output pin) |
03.0V when 5V power supply; 01.7V when 3.3V power supply
LCD pin | Arduino Mega pin |
RS | D12 |
Enable | D11 |
D4 | D5 |
D5 | D4 |
D6 | D3 |
D7 | D2 |
Additionally, wire a 10k pot to +5V and GND, with it's wiper (output) to LCD screens VO pin (pin3). A 220 ohm resistor is used to power the backlight of the display, usually on pin 15 and 16 of the LCD connector
DHT11 pin | Arduino Mega pin |
Signal | D7 |
Vcc | 5V |
Ground | GND |
MAX7219 pin | Arduino Mega pin |
Vcc | 5V |
DIN | D51 (MOSI) |
CS | D53 (SS/CS) |
CLK | D52 |
Use library 'LedControl'!
Grove BLE | Aduino Mega pin |
VCC | 5V (3.3V also possible?) |
RX | D1 (TX) |
TX | D0 (RX) |
+3.3/+5.0VDC 50mA
Arduino pinout | Module pinout | Module/Hardware unit | |
Number | Name | ||
0 | RX | H | I |
1 | TX | H | I |
There are many different opportunity:
- 8 channels multiplexer CD4051BE
- 8 pin shift register 74HC595
- 8-channel analog multiplexer/demultiplexer 74HC4051