Toxicity of Microplastics Explorer: Aquatic Organisms
The Toxicity of Microplastics Explorer (ToMEx) is a database as well as a data visualization and analysis tool for microplastics ecotoxicity data. This tool was created to facilitate the activities of the California Microplastics Health Effects Workshop.
The web application is built using a variety of R packages including shiny, shinydashboard, tidyverse, ggplot, plotly, and ssdtools.
Application deployed at:
Leah Thornton Hampton, Southern California Coastal Water Research Project
Heili Lowman, University of Nevada, Reno
Scott Coffin, State Water Resources Control Board of California
Emily Darin, Southern California Coastal Water Research Project
Ezra Miller, San Francisco Estuary Institute
Ludovic Hermabessiere, University of Toronto
Hannah de Frond, University of Toronto
Vera de Ruitjer, Wageningen University
Samreen Siddiqui, Oregon State University
Andrea Faltynkova, Norwegian University of Science and Technology
Johannes Völker, Norwegian University of Science and Technology
Laura Monclús Anglada, Norwegian University of Science and Technology
Sydney Kotar, Southern California Coastal Water Research Project
Win Cowger, Moore Institute for Plastic Pollution Research
Susanne Brander, Oregon State University
Martin Wagner, Norwegian University of Science and Technology
Bart Koelmans, Wageningen University
Chelsea Rochman, University of Toronto
Alvine Mehinto, Southern California Coastal Water Research Project
Steve Weisberg, Southern California Coastal Water Research Project
Primary Contact
Leah Thornton Hampton, Southern California Coastal Water Research Project ([email protected])