wtf.html (Flask-wtf & Flask-bootstrap) adapted for Bootstrap4 styles.
To quickly render out form with latest Bootstrap4 styes, by customized wtf.html (part of Flask-Bootstrap)
We know Flask-bootstrap provides a macro to quickly render out a form by one line:
class CommentForm(Form):
name = StringField(...)
{% import "bootstrap/wtf.html" as wtf %}
{{ wtf.quick_form(form, button_map={'submit':'primary'} }}
But it's a bit simple, although you can add customized CSS in like below, but it's not adapted for Bootstrap4 (Alpha5).
class CommentForm(Form):
name = StringField('', validators=[Length(0, 64)], render_kw={"placeholder": "your name",
"style": "background: url(/static/login-locked-icon.png) no-repeat 15px center;text-indent: 28px"})
email = StringField('', description='* We\'ll never share your email with anyone else.', validators= \
[DataRequired(), Length(4, 64), Email(message=u"邮件格式有误")], render_kw={"placeholder": "[email protected]"})
comment = TextAreaField('', description=u"请提出宝贵意见和建议", validators=[DataRequired()],
render_kw = {"placeholder": "Input your comments here"})
submit = SubmitField(u'提交')
The styles and format of form are defined in wtf.html, it's in your Flask-bootstrap install directly.
e.g. C:\git\tianya\venv\Lib\site-packages\flask_bootstrap\templates\bootstrap\wtf.html
- simplely clone this git to local, it's a well-formed Flask framework, and included local Bootstrap4 CSS. Or just copy '/app/templates/_wtf4.html' to you Flask template directory
e.g. C:\git\tianya\app\templates\
- use the macro in your html like this
{% import "_wtf4.html" as _wtf4 %}
{% block page_content %}
{{ _wtf4.quick_form(form, form_type="basic", button_map={'submit':'primary', }, id='comment_form') }}
- design your form
class CommentForm(Form):
name = StringField('', validators=[Length(0, 64)], render_kw={"placeholder": "your name",})
email = StringField('', description='* We\'ll never share your email with anyone else.', validators= \
[DataRequired(), Length(4, 64), Email(message=u"邮件格式有误")], render_kw={"placeholder": "[email protected]"})
comment = TextAreaField('', description=u"* 请提出宝贵意见和建议", validators=[DataRequired()],
render_kw = {"placeholder": "input your comments here"})
submit = SubmitField(u'提交')
# FontAwesome css, show icon as prefix of fields
fa_addon = {
'email': 'fa-envelope-o',
'name': 'fa-user-o',
- fa_addon is used as icons ahead of every input fields, needs FontAwesome CSS, you can add the CDN in your html like this:
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="//">
I've adapted for the following CSS in _wtf4.html:
class="form-text text-muted"
class="form-text text-warning">
You can add/change any more CSS as you want, in _wtf4.html
According to MVVM, belongs to Model, so just define the funciton of form fields, no need to worry about how it's displayed in user's web browser.
class CommentFormV(Form):
name = StringField('', validators=[Length(0, 64)], render_kw={"placeholder": "your name"})
email = StringField('', description='* We\'ll never share your email with anyone else', validators= \
[DataRequired(), Length(4, 64), Email(message=u"邮件格式有误")], render_kw={"placeholder": "[email protected]"})
password = PasswordField('', validators=[Length(4, 8)], description='* password is 4~8 long, [A-Za-z0-9_]',
render_kw={"placeholder": "password"})
passwordrepeat = PasswordField('', validators=[Length(4, 8)], render_kw={"placeholder": "repeat password"})
comment = TextAreaField('', description=u"* Comments. 请提出宝贵意见和建议", validators=[DataRequired()],
render_kw = {"placeholder": "input your comments here, 3~10 chars"})
submit = SubmitField(u'Submit Comments', render_kw = {})
Then define your validation rule and CSS style in your html. Also include any java-scripts to do cv (Customized Validation), e.g. comparing password and password-repeat. "_wtf4v.html" does the whole work of constructing the Form's HTML code for you.
{% import "_wtf4v.html" as _wtf4v %}
{{ _wtf4v.quick_form(form, form_type="basic", button_map={'submit':'primary', }, id='form',
'email': 'fa-envelope-o',
'name': 'fa-user-o',
'password': 'fa-key',
'passwordrepeat': 'fa-key',
'comment': {
'validators': '{minlength:3, maxlength:10}',
'feedbacks': {'minlength':'your comments need more than 3 chars', 'maxlength':'your comments should not exceed 10 chars'}
'name': {
'validators': '{required: true}',
'feedbacks': {'required':'name is required'},
'email': {
'validators': '{email:true}',
'feedbacks': {'email':'email format is wrong'},
'password': {
'validators': '{passw:true, minlength:4, maxlength:8}',
'feedbacks': { 'passw':'passsword need in (A-Z, a-z, 0-9, _)','minlength':'password too short', 'maxlength':'password too long' },
'_cv': { 'cv_password': 'password not match' },
'@valid': 'onPasswordValid'
'passwordrepeat': {
'validators': '{required:true}',
'feedbacks': { 'required':'repeat passsword' },
'_cv': { 'cv_password': 'password not match' },
'@valid': 'onPasswordValid'
'submit': {
'@click': 'submitMethod',
'v-bind:class': "[{'disabled': ($validation.invalid && $validation.touched) || !cv_password }]"
) }}
try _wtf4addClear.html
Thanks to bootstrap-add-clear v1.0.7
Note1: increase onBlur Timeout, otherwise conflict with onClick. Also move "x" span before <input>. Note: don't apply this js to 'submit' type
$this.on('blur.addclear', function() {
var self = this;
if (options.hideOnBlur) {
setTimeout(function() {
}, 200); // original is 50
Usage of bootstrap-add-clear.js: $("input").addClear({top : -2, right : 6});
// Example onClear option usage $(":input").addClear({ onClear: function(){ alert("call back!"); } });
// Example font awesome icon usage $(":input").addClear({ symbolClass: "fa fa-times-circle" })
> Note2: Bootstrap \<label> need to set class="sr only".