Code base seated on repo UNDP Radar.
In the project directory, you can run:
Runs the app in the development mode.
Open http://localhost:3000 to view it in the browser.
The page will reload if you make edits.
You will also see any lint errors in the console.
Launches the test runner in the interactive watch mode.
See the section about running tests for more information.
Also runs when you run yarn test
. It checks if all files match the Code style set in Prettier
and Eslint
This will run on the pre-push
git hook and also on the automated checks in GitHub
Builds the app for production to the build
It correctly bundles React in production mode and optimizes the build for the best performance.
The build is minified and the filenames include the hashes.
Your app is ready to be deployed!
See the section about deployment for more information.
We have a pre-push
git hook which will run before a git push --
is executed. The hook runs yarn test
which is described above.
To set up the git hook run the command below from the root of the codebase
# Copy the gitHooks/hooks folder to your .git directory
cp -fR gitHooks/hooks .git
Please follow the steps for making changes in the project:
We use Github actions and runners to do CI/CD.
The live site is hosted on GitHub pages and is deployed using the publish.yml
file which is picked up by a GitHub action when there's a successful push to the master branch. The site can be accessed from here
For staging we use a GitHub action and a runner to deploy to Digital Ocean. Any pushes to the develop branch (or branch specified in the deploy.yml file) will trigger this deployment as configured in the deploy.yml
file. The staging site can be accessed here
Pull requests raised to either the master or the develop branch will trigger the CI Development
workflow as configured in the develop.yml
You can learn more in the Create React App documentation.
To learn React, check out the React documentation.
You can learn more about the routing solution in the React Router docs.
We use Chakra UI as our UI toolkit. Have a look at its documentation.
UNVs are actively make contributions to the Digital Technologies Radar project. Many thanks to all of the UNVs who contributed with their expertises:
Completed degree on Audiovisual Communication Technology in 2008 and have been a software developer for +7 years "It has been an amazing journey, setting up and working on this project. I hope this project will be valuable for stakeholders aiming at visualizing their data/projects." |
UX designer from Nigeria. Have a Bachelor of Nursing Science degree "I have been designing since 2021 and I had a great time working on this project. It is my dream to build useful products. I hope lives are improved using this radar." |
Completed bachelor's degree in Software Engineering in 2021 and have been a Full-Stack engineer for 1 year. "I am grateful for the opportunity to collaborate with the individuals on my team to contribute to the area of disaster context on behalf of the UNDP." |
CS Graduate, Class of '18, Purdue University. Ex-Developer at MBA Grad, Class of '24, University Of British Columbia. "Writing code for the DRM Radar Project was a unique opportunity to work with super-talented designers, developers and technologists from around the world while creating something that can enrich, empower and save lives." |
Cornell MBA, Management Consultant, Automation and Control Systems Specialist "To get involved with United Nations initiatives and contribute to UNDP Global Goals." |
Telecommunications Engineer, involved in Open Source GIS software development for more than 20 years "As an engineer, I like to build new things, and learn. Working on TechRadar project allowed me to learn by doing, meet very talented people and help a nice community in UN's Family" |
She has actively developed frontend components for the radar. |
Completed Master's degree in Computer Science in 2022 and is currently working as a Research Assistant on Big Data Platforms for the Fraunhofer Society "It has been a great experience to network with new faces and a pleasure to see my contributions in productive use to achieve sustainable development goals." |
Completed BSc in Computer Science at the University of Toronto in 2020, and have been working as a Software Developer for 2 years "I am grateful for the opportunity to be a part of this amazing and meaningful project and to work with the incredible people from all around the world " |
Completed M.Sc in 2014 and have been working on Technology(ICT, ICT4D, Web, App) and Data for more than 7 years. An excellent project to visualize vast amount of data in a single screen; it is a great addition to track progress in SDGs. |
Completed my BSc on Computer Science and Information Technology in 2016. Have been in ICT sector since 2017. I believe volunteering service provides knowledge, skill and satisfaction in faith and professional development. Also radar development projects like in SDG AI Lab will benefit us from the wisdom and contributions of people everywhere on earth. |
He has actively collected projects that are ongoing or done in disaster context. |
He has actively collected projects that are ongoing or done in disaster context. |
Completed degree in Chemistry, PGD in Development Economics, and masters in view. Have been in the field of data science and M&E management for +12 years "It has been a valuable journey, working and learning from each other and same time contributing to impacting the vulnerable lives. I hope my contribution contributes to the execution of the right programmatic decisions." |
She has develop the mockups for the website. The website has modelled by using these mockups. |
He has actively developed both backend and frontend components for the radar. |
Outreach and Partnerships Analyst at UNDP |
Junior Partnerships Officer at UNDP |
GIS Specialist |
Junior Data Scientist Officer at UNDP |
Junior Community Engagement Officer at UNDP |