Fildo Android App Xamarin
[ENG] Some services of this app could not work when Fildo website close.
[ESP] Algunos servicios de esta aplicacion pueden no funcionar cuando la web Fildo cierre
[Terms & conditions]
Fildo does not index nor host any mp3 files, it’s just a web interface to third party mp3 search engines.
Fildo has no control over any web sites or resources which are provided by companies or persons other than Fildo.
You acknowledge and agree that Fildo is not responsible for the availability or content of any such external sites or resources, and does not endorse any advertising, products or other materials on or available from such web sites or resources.
You acknowledge and agree that Fildo is not liable for any loss or damage which may be incurred by you as a result of the availability of those external sites or resources, or as a result of any reliance placed by you on the completeness, accuracy or existence of any advertising, products or other materials on, or available from, such web sites or resources. aggregates content from around the web; it does not host music or video content.
If you have a copyright infringement complaint you can contact whichever of the following companies the suspected infringement: or