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@tcdahlberg tcdahlberg released this 24 Jan 20:23
· 84 commits to master since this release


  • Added Sample Data generated at the November 2023 Commons Sprint ( [PR528]
  • Added unpackaged sharing rule for fee allocation [PR528]
  • Added task in cci yml to only install for admins when installing via metadeploy [PR529]
  • Updated information links for metadeploy for post install info and trailblazer community (not POU anymore) [PR529]
  • Added new sample data generated from the work done at the Commons Sprint in November of 2023 in Chicago [PR535]
  • Close time is adjusted for the selected time zone on event instance for accurate, by the hour, closing of the event [PR539]
  • Nav/Date crumb that appears at the top of the page is now unaffected by the users timezone and only reflects the time zone selected in the instance [PR539]
  • When an event is set for 12-1AM it displays 12 rather than 0 in time formatting. [PR539]
  • When a future, or past event, is in daylight savings time the nav/date crumb reflects the future/past state rather than the current daylight savings state (CDT/CST as an example) [PR539]
  • Summit Events App (SEA) calendar view now has a link wrapper around the event descriptions needed when view goes into mobile list mode to be clickable. [PR546]
  • All Visualforce metadata is set to availableInTouch = true to facilitate embedding of pages in Digital Experience sites. [PR546]
  • Triggered transactional emails are now bulkified meaning all triggered emails send at once per batch. This may or may not alleviate the SINGLE_EMAIL_LIMIT_EXCEEDED error when triggering more than one status change on registrations when that status evokes an email. Scratch org testing was inconclusive. [PR546]
  • The page progression now detects if there is only the Registration page and the Additional Question Page in play and progress to the confirmation page (eliminating the blank Submit page). The button at the bottom of the Additional Questions page will switch to "Register" rather than "Next" as well. [PR546]
  • Preferred First Name Formatted field relabeled to Preferred Full Name Formatted. [PR546]
  • Amount of guest that can be submitted is now a 3 digit Integer field to allow for up to 999 guests. There may be a theoretical limit to how many guest a registrant can actually enter at once. [PR546]

Issues Closed

#521: Align Time Zone with the Date the Event is being held. [PR539]
#526: Increase field size on "Number of Guests" field on Summit Events Registration to 3 digits [PR546]
#531: Relabel or update the Preferred First Name Formatted field. [PR546]
#536: [BUG] Nav/Date crumb not correct if guest user timezone not GMT [PR539]
#537: [BUG] When event set to midnight displays as zero [PR539]
#538: [BUG] Adjust time element of event close method to adjust for timezone [PR539]
#540: [BUG] - Blank Submit Page w/ only Custom Questions (no Guests) [PR546]
#542: [BUG] Transaction email invocations limit reached on mass update of registrations [PR546]
#543: [BUG] SEA Visualforce Pages for Digital Experience [PR546]
#544: [BUG] - Mobile Calendar not Clickable [PR546]

Installation Info

Sandbox & Scratch Orgs:

Production & Developer Edition Orgs: