SWG Flurry is a Starwars Galaxies server utilizing the SWGEmu Core3 Emulator.
A docker image and preset docker-compose for SWGEmu.
Relics of Corbantis Official SWGEMU Launcher
Galaxy Harvester resource tracking web application for Star Wars Galaxies Emulator servers
A set of scripts and notebooks to help administer maps and workflows for ArcGIS Field Maps.
SWGEmu Development Environment Setup
SGuibord / KissXML
Forked from robbiehanson/KissXMLA replacement for Cocoa's NSXML cluster of classes. Based on libxml. Works on iOS.
SGuibord / BaseAppKit
Forked from dimzzy/BaseAppKitBase classes for iOS apps
SGuibord / CoconutKit
Forked from defagos/CoconutKitCoconutKit is a library of high-quality iOS components
SGuibord / three20
Forked from facebookarchive/three20Three20 is an Objective-C library for iPhone developers
SGuibord / OpenCV-iOS
Forked from macmade/OpenCV-iOSThis project is a port of the OpenCV library for Apple iOS. It includes two XCode projects: one for iPhone, the other one for iPad.