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1.) Open the terminal in the specific python script folder first
2.) Terminal command: python youtubedlp.py
3.) Then copy/paste the youtube url after the text field "enter the youtube url"
4.) You got yourself the video downloaded.
1.) Copy link
2.) Terminal in selected folder: yt-dlp -f bestvideo+bestaudio --merge-output-format mp4 'video link'
3.) After download, the video and audio merged successfully
This script is provided for educational and personal use only. Please note the following:
- YouTube's Terms of Service: Downloading videos from YouTube may violate its Terms of Service unless you have explicit permission from the content owner or are downloading videos through YouTube Premium.
- Compliance with Laws: The user is solely responsible for ensuring that their use of this script complies with local laws and regulations.
- Liability: The author of this script assumes no liability for any misuse of the code or its consequences.
By using this script, you agree that the usage is at your own risk.