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SWEventsPrototypeApp is a simple protoype application.SWEventsPrototypeApp or e-Where can be used as boilerplate to create iOS Applications. The goal of developing and creating this application was to learn as many new Swift 3 features as possible; as well as learning how to programatically create views without the storyboard.
- SwiftLint: A tool to enforce Swift style and conventions, loosely based on GitHub's Swift Style Guide.
- Model - View - Controller
- jSON Parsing
- Aysnc Images
- Animations.....
- Much More
To run SWEventsPrototypeApp, clone the repo, and run pod install
from the e-Where directory first.
This project requires Xcode 8+ running a target of iOS 10.0+ along with Cocoapods.
- Refactor Code
- Add new Featutres
Sean M. Warren, [email protected]
SWEventsPrototypeApp is available under the MIT license.