ICCBot: A Fragment-Aware and Context-Sensitive ICC Resolution Tool for Android Applications.
The paper PDF can be found at https://hanada31.github.io/pdf/icse22_iccbot.pdf
author = {Jiwei Yan and
Shixin Zhang and
Yepang Liu and
Jun Yan and
Jian Zhang},
title = {ICCBot: Fragment-Aware and Context-Sensitive ICC Resolution for {Android} Applications},
booktitle = {The 44th International Conference on Software Engineering, {ICSE} 2022 (Demo Track)},
year = {2022},
Python 3+
Java 1.8+
Install GraphViz (http://www.graphviz.org/download/)
build and run ICCBot to analyze single apk: :
mvn -f pom.xml clean package
cp target/ICCBot.jar ICCBot.jar
java -jar ICCBot.jar -path apk// -name ICCBotBench.apk -androidJar lib//platforms -time 30 -maxPathNumber 100 -client CTGClient -outputDir results//output
or analyze apks under given folder with Python script:
python .\scripts\runICCBot.py [apkPath] [resultPath]
Usage of ICCBot.jar:
java -jar ICCBot.jar -h
usage: java -jar ICCBot.jar [options] [-path] [-name] [-androidJar] [-outputDir][-client]
-h -h: Show the help information.
-name <arg> -name: Set the name of the apk under analysis.
-path <arg> -path: Set the path to the apk under analysis.
-outputDir <arg> -outputDir: Set the output folder of the apk.
-client <arg> -client
"CallGraphClient: Output call graph files."
"ManifestClient: Output manifest.xml file."
"IROutputClient: Output soot IR files."
"FragmentClient: Output the fragment loading results."
"CTGClient/MainClient: Resolve ICC and generate CTG."
"ICCSpecClient: Report ICC specification for each component."
-androidJar <arg> -androidJar: Set the path of android.jar.
-version <arg> -version [default:23]: Version of Android SDK.
-maxPathNumber <arg> -maxPathNumber [default:10000]: Set the max number of paths.
-time <arg> -time [default:90]: Set the max running time (min).
-noAdapter -noAdapter: exclude super simple adapter model
-noAsyncMethod -noAsyncMethod: exclude async method call edge
-noCallBackEntry -noCallBackEntry: exclude the call back methods
-noDynamicBC -noDynamicBC: exclude dynamic broadcast receiver matching
-noFragment -noFragment: exclude fragment operation model
-noFunctionExpand -noFunctionExpand: do not inline function with useful contexts
-noImplicit -noImplicit: exclude implict matching
-noLibCode -noLibCode: exclude the activities not declared in app's package
-noPolym -noPolym: exclude polymorphism methods
-noStaticField -noStaticField: exclude string operation model
-noStringOp -noStringOp: exclude string operation model
-noWrapperAPI -noWrapperAPI: exclude RAICC model
-onlyDummyMain -onlyDummyMain: limit the entry scope
-debug -debug: use debug mode.
Input: apk File
Output: ICC resolution results, CTG graph, etc.
- CallGraphInfo
- Generated extended call graph
- ManifestInfo
- Extracted AndroidManifest file
- FragmentInfo
- Generated fragment loading graph
- CTGResult
- Generated component transition graph
- ICCSpecification
- Generated ICC specification json file
- SootIRInfo
- Generated Soot Jimple IR files