Code for our paper 'Automatic Synthesis of Broadband Silicon Photonic Devices via Bayesian Optimization'
Package for KLayout to add integrated optics / silicon photonics functionality (waveguides, netlist extraction, circuit simulations, etc)
What is the lowest insertion loss for a double-ring bandpass filter? How narrow the bandwidth can be made? These two factors are closely connected with the passband shape of the spectrum. This calc…
Solves the GMMNLSE in MATLAB for pulse propagation in multimode fiber, with an efficient GPU implementation
A collection of papers in the area of photonic design automation
Photonic Integrated Design Package
A suite of photonic inverse design challenge problems for topology optimization benchmarking
🦐 Electromagnetic Simulation + Automatic Differentiation
free finite-difference time-domain (FDTD) software for electromagnetic simulations
Vizro is a low-code toolkit for building high-quality data visualization apps.
Silicon Photonics PDK library by McGill University, Photonic DataCom Team
Textbook: Lukas Chrostowski, Michael Hochberg, "Silicon Photonics Design", Cambridge University Press 2015
Matplotlib styles for scientific plotting
transfer-matrix method for optics of thin and thick multilayer films
Coupled Generalized Nonlinear Schrodringer Equation solver for birefringent fibers
A numerical swiss army knife for computing the optical response of a multilayered structure.
😎 curated list of open source photonics projects
This is a Matlab library of functions to facilitate the design of Photonics Integrated Circuits GDS layout.
Nonlinear optics propagation code for mixed and cascaded nonlinearities.
Frequency-domain photonic simulation and inverse design optimization for linear and nonlinear devices
Gdstk (GDSII Tool Kit) is a C++/Python library for creation and manipulation of GDSII and OASIS files.
python library to design chips (Photonics, Analog, Quantum, MEMs, ...), objects for 3D printing or PCBs.