- Demonstrate your ability to program using Java IO mechanisms.
- Your task is to create a networked game.
- There are two classes to implement. You should not modify any other file to complete this homework.
- GameClient which should use blocking IO
- GameServer which should use non-blocking IO
- To test your solution works, in two separate terminal tabs/windows run the following:
- Run GameServer
- Run Game.
- You can pass in a Difficulty to this program; the default is Easy. If you can beat the game on Easy try Medium and Hard
- There are two classes to implement. You should not modify any other file to complete this homework.
- Ensure your code is correct by compiling and testing it
- A portion of your grade will be based upon readability and organization of your code.
- Follow the naming guidelines of lecture
- Break large functions into multiple functions based on logical organizations
- Your code may correctly count the words within the files but may still be incorrect. It must be thread safe as well.
- This homework can be developed on Windows but you'll be unable to run the program (and see Emoji) on a Windows machine. You'll need to do this on a Unix based machine to have the emoji/ASCII-coloring work properly.
- If you do not have access to a Unix based machine (Mac, Linux, etc) then let me know ASAP and I can create a VM for you to use.