Selenium-based Python script to automate sending emails to warm up your sender reputation and improve email deliverability
Thanks to Warmer
Why warm up?
- One of the factors spam filters reject emails from new tenants is a filtering technique known as graylisting: When new senders appear, they're treated more suspiciously than senders with a previously-established history of sending email messages (think of it as a probation period). More on this here
Supported Email Providers
- Snappymail/Rainloop
To run the script, you need to install the required Python packages. You can install these packages using pip:
pip3 install -r requirements.txt
Update the script with your snappymail/rainloop url
Add the emails that you want to warmup in the credentials_list. [This can be used instead of passing user password arguments]
To warmup an account by sending 5 emails to a single target, use the following command format:
python3 -u <Email ID to Warmup> -p <Password> -T <[email protected]> -m 3 -x 5
To warmup an account against a list of targets from a file, use the following command format:
python3 -u <Email ID to Warmup> -p <Password> -t <targets.txt> -m 1
python3 -t <targets.txt> -m 1
The script supports the following command line arguments:
-h, --help: Show this help message and exit
-u: Sender Email ID
-p: Sender Email Password
-T: Single Target Email ID
-t: Multiple Targets from Wordlist
-x: No. of Emails to Send (applicable only for single targets)
-m: Email Content Mode [ 1, 2, 3] where 1 = Gibberish sentence, 2 = AI-Generated, 3 = Randomly choose from pre-defined templates