A multi-camera tracking algorithm using OpenCV. It depends on OpenCv 2.3.1 (http://opencv.org/), Boost libraries (http://www.boost.org/) and Intel IPP (https://software.intel.com/en-us/intel-ipp).
In order to run the tracker, use the following command:
MultiCameraTracker.exe -d config.cfg
./MultiCameraTracker -d config.cfg
Windows: Build the Visual studio project.
Linux: Run the make file inside the "obj" folder.
Note: Make sure Intel IPP, OpenCv 2.3.1 and Boost libraries are located in appropriate folders.
Here is the sample data folder: https://www.dropbox.com/s/gnheat18lotoi2k/data.tar.gz?dl=0
Note: Follow a similar folder structure for new scenarios.
[1] Santhoshkumar Sunderrajan( [email protected]) Website: http://santhoshsunderrajan.com/
If you use the code in any of your research works, please cite the following papers:
title={Particle filter tracking with online multiple instance learning},
author={Ni, Zefeng and Sunderrajan, Santhoshkumar and Rahimi, Amir and Manjunath, BS},
booktitle={Pattern Recognition (ICPR), 2010 20th International Conference on},
title={Distributed particle filter tracking with online multiple instance learning in a camera sensor network},
author={Ni, Zefeng and Sunderrajan, Santhoshkumar and Rahimi, Amir and Manjunath, BS},
booktitle={Image Processing (ICIP), 2010 17th IEEE International Conference on},
I may have used some good codes from various sources, please feel free to notify me if you find a piece of code that I need to acknowledge.