Exporting DataFrame to designed excel file have never been so easy
A library that wraps pandas and openpyxl and allows easy styling of dataframes in excel
$ pip install styleframe
You can read the documentation at http://styleframe.readthedocs.org/en/latest/
First, let us create a DataFrame that contains data we would like to export to an .xlsx file
import pandas as pd
df = pd.DataFrame({'Col A': [1, 20, -3],
'Col B': [15, 3, 116],
'Col C': [33, -6, 9]})
row_max_value = df.idxmax(axis=1)
df['Sum'] = df.sum(axis=1)
df['Mean'] = df.mean(axis=1)
Now, once we have the DataFrame ready, lets create a StyleFrame object
from StyleFrame import StyleFrame
sf = StyleFrame(df)
# it is also possible to directly initiate StyleFrame
sf = StyleFrame({'Col A': [1, 20, -3],
'Col B': [15, 3, 116],
'Col C': [33, -6, 9]})
The StyleFrame object will auto-adjust the columns width and the rows height but they can be changed manually
('Col A', 'Col B', 'Col C'): 15.3,
('Sum', 'Mean'): 30
# excel rows starts from 1
# row number 1 is the headers
(1,): 45,
(2, 3, 4): 25
Next, let's change the background color of the maximum values to red and the font to white
from StyleFrame import Styler, colors
for row_index, col_name in rows_max_value.iteritems():
sf[col_name][row_index].style = Styler(bg_color=colors.red, bold=True, font_color=colors.white).create_style()
And change the font and the font size of Sum and Mean columns
sf.apply_column_style(cols_to_style=['Sum', 'Mean'],
Finally, let's export to Excel but not before we use more of StyleFrame's features:
- Change the page writing side
- Freeze rows and columns
- Add filters to headers
columns_and_rows_to_freeze='B2', # will freeze the rows above 2 (=row 1 only) and columns that before column 'B' (=col A only)