Welcome to the Docker Starter Kit for Laravel and Vue.js with TailwindCss! This repository contains all the necessary files to get a new project up and running quickly and easily using Docker.
Make sure you have installed the following prerequisites in your development or production machine.
- PHP : Version 8.1
- Laravel: Version 9.x
- MySQL: Version 8
- Node: Version 16.15.0
- Docker - Download & install Docker make sure that the latest docker version has been installed on your machine. (mac / linux / windows),
You should ensure that Windows Subsystem for Linux 2 (WSL2) is installed and enabled. WSL allows you to run Linux binary executables natively on Windows 10. Information on how to install and enable WSL2 can be found within Microsoft's <a href="https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/wsl/install"> developer environment</a> documentation. After installing and enabling WSL2,
you should ensure that Docker Desktop is configured to use the WSL2 backend.
git clone https://github.com/Said20hr/Docker-Laravel-vueJs.git
. ├── backend (Laravel 9.19) │ ├── app │ │ ├── Http │ │ └── Models │ ├── database │ │ └── migrations │ ├── routes │ └── storage │ └── logs └── frontend (Vue.js 3.2.13) └── src ├── assets └── components
cd backend composer install
Setup Environment for Development
cd backend Copy .env.example to .env.
Install Npm modules in vuejs app
cd frontend npm install
docker-compose up -d
- the frontend is by default served at http://localhost:8080/
- the backend is by default served at http://localhost:8001/
- If you need to change any ports (because you already have other services listening on it), update the .env file in the root folder (`backend/.env):
# You may change these FORWARD_BACKEND_PORT=8001 FORWARD_FRONTEND_PORT=8080 # You may change these, but then you should also update `backend/.env` FORWARD_DB_PORT=3306 FORWARD_REDIS_PORT=3679
The app can be run using composer up in the app root folder, or ./vendor/bin/sail up in the backend folder. You can also change the server port in the backend/.env file.
This repository is open source and can be used by anyone who wants to start a Laravel and Vue.js app with Docker. It's easy to use and customize to fit your needs.
This project is open-source and licensed under the MIT License.
- Please note that the information above is a sample readme template and may not include all necessary details for your specific project. Replace the links, version numbers, and specific instructions for your project.