This is a probabilistic evolutionary simulation of the microbiome. The simulation is written in Go(golang), which is nested into an Electron desktop GUI
Please view: BactApp Presentation.pdf for more information on the simulation itself.
Description of Modifiable Parameters in Simulation:
Dish Radius: Size of the environment
StartBacteria: Number of starting bacteria strains
Iteration: Amount of timepoints in simulation
DrugCutoff: Total bacteria population before introduction of antibiotic to the dish
PredCutoff: Total bacteria population before introduction of predator bacteria to the dish
PredCount: Number of predators introduced
EnergyContent: Amount of "energy units" per food packet (default=13)
BasalMetabolism: Energy units burned per turn for bacteria to remain alive
1.) Clone repository into a local directory
2.) Download and install Node.js (8.9.2 LTS) from:
3.) Navigate to: The-Life-of-a-Bacterium/simulation via command line
4.) Make sure your system has permission to execute simulation.exe in the The-Life-of-a-Bacterium/simulation/ directory. This is an issue mainly for linux users.
5.) To install dependencies, run on command line (in directory from step 3): npm install
6.) To start app, run: npm start
1.) Clone repository into your go/src/ directory
2.) Move the graphing package directory ( located in: The-Life-of-a-Bacterium/) directly under go/src/
- You should now have a directory go/src/
3.) To build the .exe, navigate to: The-Life-of-a-Bacterium/simulation/. Run: go build
4.) Follow --Standard Use Case-- above (starting at step 2) to run app as needed.