in this project, there are 2 tools.
generateemail/ in this folder there are two tools :
first tools are new_big.js this tool is for auto register and auto verification account. Email Host:
second tools are auto_veryf.js if first tools failed to get inbox from the email the result link saved to result_url.txt then auto_veryf.js verify URL from result_url.txt
dottrick/ in this folder there are three tools :
first tools are regist_gmail.js this for auto register with gmail and auto dottrick generator
second tools grab_gmail.js after register with regist_gmail.js u can use grab_gmail.js for get link
third tools aut_link.js after u get link with grab_gmail.js u can verify your account with this tools
where we can get api key ? :D privacy /pm me
$ git clone this project
$ cd folderproject/
$ npm install
$ node script.js
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