NotSaksh Public
🔐 PSS! This is a ✨ secret ✨ repo! It's updated every 5 minutes with new stats!
Portfolio-Template Public
👨💻 Software Developer Portfolio Made With React.js
just-the-class Public template
Forked from kevinlin1/just-the-classA modern, highly customizable, responsive Jekyll template for course websites.
SCSS MIT License UpdatedNov 3, 2023 -
Shop-Managerx Public
🍪 You can create a discord bot directly from private messaging or website control with the use of the discord shop manager.
Hydrox Public template
❤️ Hydrox have almost everything - Fun, Memes, Images, Giveaway Moderation, Anime, NSFW Etc.
Discord-Server-Cloner Public template
🔒 A Discord server cloner that can quickly duplicate any Discord server.
mailer Public
📫 Mailer is a app to send form submissions by email
Magical-Manager Public
🦄 Ultimate, efficient, easy-to-use and simple-to-setup Command handler for Discord bots.
YourManagerxx Public
🥵 A multipurpose bot, a clan bot, a all in one bot. The one bot u need for ur server.
Discord-Models Public
🚀 Discord bot for using Discord Model In Channel And Creating Templates.
lavalink-list Public
Forked from DarrenOfficial/lavalink-listA list of free and available public lavalink. Feel free to make a pull request!
Lavalinks Public template
🧯A list of publicly accessible, cost-free lavalink. You are welcome to submit a pull request!
Bot-Manger Public
❄ Make a bot after getting the customer's information about the bot.
Dictionary Public
⚡A Standalone web server application for quickly creating and disseminating complete dictionaries and APIs for any language.
Chat-Website Public template
🏘️ A real-time chat application built with Flask, socket-io, HTML, CSS, and JavaScript allows users to establish profiles, workplaces, and many channels inside each workspace, join workspaces, shar…