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build joinwiz Scala version support

Tiny library improves Spark's dataset join API and improves unit-testing experience of (some) Spark transformations


There are 2 main reasons - using typesafe Dataset API one still need to specify the joining condition with strings or expressions which is not convenient and possible can be reason of a silly mistake. On the other hand with the power of macroses one can extract fields are used in the expression in the same manner as it is implemented in various lens libs. That will let your IDE to help you build an expression and will prevent from comparing incompatible types (like string- decimal join when spark casts both left and right values to double)

The second reason is that unit testing with Spark is a nightmare. It takes seconds for local session to start which means you will be running your single suite for a minute or two. On the other hand Scala has an abstraction over type - higher kinds. Most popular spark transformations can be expressed on top of Datasets and any Seq, and you can check your logic without even creating a Spark context, and that will your tests super fast. Of course not every transformation has an analogue in Seq's terms (like repartition makes sence only for distributed collections) but such specific behaviour still can be isolated easily.

Try it

scalacOptions += "-Ydelambdafy:inline"
libraryDependencies += "io.github.salamahin" %% "joinwiz_core" % joinwiz_version

Primitive join

Note that result has type of (A, Option[B]) - no more NPE's when mapping!

def doJoin[F[_]: ComputationEngine](as: F[A], bs: F[B]): F[(A, Option[B])] = {
  import joinwiz.syntax._
  as.leftJoin(bs) {
    case (left, right) => left(_.field) =:= right(_.field)

Injecting an ComputationEngine allows to make an abstraction over exact kind, which means it's possible to run the code in 2 modes: with and without spark

import jointwiz.spark._
val as: Dataset[A] = ???
val bs: Dataset[B] = ???
doJoin(as, bs) //will run using SparkSession and result is a Dataset

On the other hand for test purposes you can do the following

import jointwiz.testkit._
val as: Seq[A] = ???
val bs: Seq[B] = ???
doJoin(as, bs) //will run without SparkSession and result is a Seq

Clearly testing without spark makes your unit-test run much faster

Chained joins

In case when several joins are made one-by-one it might be tricky to check which exactly col in which table is used. You can easily workaround this with wiz unapplication

def doSequentialJoin[F[_]: ComputationEngine](as: F[A], bs: F[B], cs: F[C]) = {
  import joinwiz.syntax._
    .leftJoin(bs) {
      case (left, right) => left(_.field) =:= right(_.field)
    .leftJoin(cs) {
      case (_ wiz b, c) => b(_.field) =:= c(_.field)

Unapply can be used to extract a members from a product type even if the type of option kind


Mapping of the joining expression is supported. To make the changes usable in testkit, one must specify transformation implementation on both Column and type

def joinWithMap[F[_]: ComputationEngine](as: F[A], bs: F[B]) = {
  import joinwiz.syntax._
    .leftJoin(bs) {
      case (left, right) => left(_.field).map(column => column.cast(StringType), value => value.toString) =:= right(_.field)

Window functions

To add a new window function one has to inherit joinwiz.window.WindowFunction. After this can be used like following:

def addRowNumber[F[_]: ComputationEngine](as: F[A]): F[(A, Int)] = {
  import joinwiz.syntax._
  as.withWindow { window =>

Behind joins

ComputationEngine provides syntax for generic operations like:

  • inner/left outer/left anti joins
  • map
  • flatMap
  • distinct
  • groupByKey + mapGroups, reduceGroups, count, cogroup
  • filter
  • collect

You can find more examples of usage in appropriate test


Make your joins typesafe again







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