This project is a solutions for VANET communication with OMNET++
What do you need:
- (this repo has modifications for capturing thruput)
- (SUMO Maps Used)
- Latest VEINS
- SUMO v0.29
- OMNET++ 5.1.1
VANETsim: A simulator for security and privacy concepts in VANETs
-- You will find the current version in the "develop"-branch! --
This repository is used for active development of the VANETSim (the "develop" branch). For ready to use packages of -->
- With its strong focus on security the VANET-Simulator offers users a quick and easy way to verify their security concepts.
- The VANET-Simulator is developed in Java 6 and can be run on most operating systems and hardware platforms.
- The source code structure supports easy adaptation and extension of features.
Realistic Maps
- The VANET-Simulator has an interface to import maps from the OpenStreetMap project. So the simulation of traffic on real road networks is supported.
Extensive scenario and map editor
- The integrated powerful editor facilitates the creaton and alteration of maps as well es the creation and configuration of scenarios and simulation runs.
- A graphical user interface provides detailed visualization of simulation runs with lots of relevant pieces of information. A command line interface for high performance simulation is available as well.
- Each vehicle is simulated individually and takes decisions on its own so that road traffic is simulated as realistic as possible.
Integration of privacy-enhancing technologies
- For empiric investigations, four techniques to improve privacy in vehicular ad hoc networks – mix zones, promix zones, silent periods and slow – are implemented.
If you are using this for your research please be sure to cite this repository.
author={J. Skiles and I. Mahgoub},
booktitle={2016 International Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing Conference (IWCMC)},
title={A geographical hybrid solution for Inter-Vehicular Communication in VANET},