Soft Logic
- Lucknow
- http://www.softlogicui.com
salesforce-bot-slack Public
Forked from ccoenraets/salesforce-bot-slackA simple Salesforce bot for Slack
JavaScript UpdatedApr 18, 2018 -
botkit Public
Forked from howdyai/botkitBotkit is the leading developer tool for building chat bots, apps and custom integrations for major messaging platforms.
JavaScript MIT License UpdatedApr 16, 2018 -
ngTagsInput Public
Forked from mbenford/ngTagsInputTags input directive for AngularJS
JavaScript MIT License UpdatedAug 11, 2017 -
generator-angular-lazy Public
Forked from matoilic/generator-angular-lazyYeoman generator for creating Angular applications which lazy load components as needed at runtime. Based on SystemJS, JSPM, Babel and Gulp.
JavaScript Other UpdatedNov 1, 2016 -
angular-promise-buttons Public
Forked from johannesjo/angular-promise-buttonsChilled loading buttons for AngularJS
JavaScript MIT License UpdatedNov 1, 2016 -
materialize-tags Public
Forked from henrychavez/materialize-tagsA jQuery tags input plugin based on Materialize
JavaScript MIT License UpdatedOct 27, 2016 -
firebase-php-example Public
Firebase PHP example (Connect using Slim Framework)
phpvideotoolkit-v2 Public
Forked from buggedcom/phpvideotoolkit-v2PHP Video Toolkit version 2 helps take the voodoo out of ffmpeg and provides a convenient object oriented wrapper around the ffmpeg programme.
PHP Other UpdatedJul 13, 2016 -
image-optimizer Public
Forked from psliwa/image-optimizerImage optimization / compression library. This library is able to optimize png, jpg and gif files in very easy and handy way. It uses optipng, pngquant, pngcrush, pngout, gifsicle, jpegoptim and jp…
PHP MIT License UpdatedJan 17, 2016 -
videojs-resolution-switcher Public
Forked from kmoskwiak/videojs-resolution-switcherResolution switcher for video.js 5
JavaScript Other UpdatedDec 21, 2015 -
vimeo-upload Public
Forked from websemantics/vimeo-uploadJavaScript library to upload videos to Vimeo hosting
JavaScript Apache License 2.0 UpdatedNov 8, 2015 -
CordovaCallNumberPlugin Public
Forked from rohfosho/CordovaCallNumberPluginCall a number directly from your cordova application.
Objective-C UpdatedJun 18, 2015 -
dual-list-sortable Public
Angularjs directive to perform dual list movement through the use of buttons and jquery ui sortable. Depends on jQuery UI and angular-ui sortable.
JavaScript UpdatedMay 20, 2015 -
ng-grid Public
Forked from angular-ui/ui-gridUI Grid: an Angular Data Grid
JavaScript MIT License UpdatedOct 18, 2014 -
PrestaShop Public
Forked from PrestaShop/PrestaShopPrestaShop offers a free, fully scalable, Open-source e-commerce solution.
PHP UpdatedNov 27, 2013 -
Modernizr Public
Forked from Modernizr/ModernizrFeature detect HTML5 and CSS3 features, with handy css and javascript hooks so you can progressively enhance to your heart's content.
Audio-Gallery-Suite Public
Forked from robinrizvi/Audio-Gallery-SuiteAudio-Gallery-Suite is a complete audio gallery solution made with HTML5/CSS3/Jquery-JS/PHP-ajax/C# that includes a web audio gallery and a software for managing the web audio gallery.