If I miss your name here, please pull a request to me to fix.
如果你感興趣,可以完成尚未完成的题目(下面有個UNSOLVED列表),或者如果你對某學校某年分考古題想要完成,可以fork那張考卷然後pull request进这个repo。
為了加速repo完成時間並避免侵犯智慧財產權,部分題目可以直接註明答案來源(題庫書哪一頁哪一題、前人詳解),請不要pull request任何可能侵犯智慧財產權之內容。大家亦可協力重新寫詳解並註明原文書出處。
If a problem is too easy to solve, we'll mark it as straightforward in order to speed up the progress.
- assign maintainers to ech subject (probably 1-2 person per subject adequate)
- curation of solutions we already have
- add more schools
- configurate readme links
Follow Sanders on github to help finish this task.
Disclaimer: the solutions in this repository are crowdsourced work, and in any form it neither represents any opinion of nor affiliates to the authors of Introduction to Algorithms or the MIT press.