Axxess - Front End Test
This is the Code Assignment. I used Javascript, jQuery, HTML & CSS to Code. Also I Used Atom Code Editor. This Project is all about coding the scenario.
This Project Consist of:
3 files: sangeet.html, sangeet.js, sangeet.css
An input field that will take a number
A counter that will count up incrementally from 0 to the given number
Have 2 blocks one with the word fingers and the other with the word toes
A reset button, which reset the Input field & Counter.
A restart button, which restart the function from the already inputed value.
How to Run: Just Download it or Clone it into your System. Run sangeet.html in your Browser. You will see the Input bar. Where you just need to write any postive integer. Once you inputted your value & hit ok. You will see the counter started below the input box. This Counter will increase by 1 every Second. On evey value of counter which divide by 3 will highlight Fingers box. On every Value odf counter which divide by 5 will highlight Toes box. And when the counter Value which is divide by 3 & 5 will highlight both(fingers & toes) boxes.
Conclusion: Working on this Project is really fun. I learn how to complete a task in time pressure. I start this from ground 0. Try to skectch the thing first i.e How should my UI look, What should be my Code strategies. I change things many time after Testing because I create new problem scenarios every time until I reaach the main goals.