- Mesh + RHSI : Example Online Boutique - Services across ROKS, AKS, GKE and EKS
- OH + Edge Cluster : Open Horizon and KubeArmor - Runtime Workload Security at the Edge
- Mesh + RHSI : Work in progress : Example QOTD 5.1.0
- Kubernetes Operator 1.x based example to create and deploy application workload (nginx) on IEAM edge cluster
- Kubernetes Operator 0.x based example to create and deploy application workload (nginx) on IEAM edge cluster. Preferebly use Kubernetes Operator 1.x now. See above.
IEAM and Watson Speech-To-Text - IEAM deploying Watson Speech-To-Text (STT) service on an edge device.
IEAM and Watson NLP - IEAM deploying Watson-NLP on the edge node.
Workload placement concepts on IEAM edge nodes using policies with practical examples
MVI Edge deployment using IEAM - ML Inferencing at the edge using MVI containers and models.
Visual Object Detection and Machine Inferencing on the road - Fully functional Visual Object Detection on edge device node code.
ORRA + EdgeX - An Open Retail Reference Architecture (ORRA) done in collaboration with Intel.
Xibo - A digital signage CMS application - A digital signage application on IEAM Edge Device node originally developed with docker compose.
RTSP Server - A simple RTSP video stream server