Sample SCIM server written in Node.js. It can be used with SCIM app in Okta for getting SCIM messages related to user provisioning. It supports following Users endpoints
Create User (POST to {SCIM Base Url}/User)
Get Users (GET to {SCIM Base Url}/User)
Get User By Id (POST to {SCIM Base Url}/User/:UserId)
Deactivate User (PATCH to {SCIM Base Url}/User/:UserId)
Modify/Update User (PUT to SCIM Base Url}/User/:UserId)
Download and run "npm install"
Once all above is install run the node server "npm start". Make the following cals from any REST Client (Postman, cURL etc,) or API validation tools Runscope.
You can use ngrok "ngrok http 8081" to make server available online. use in Okta SCIM app or Runscope to test online.
- POST {SCIM_Base_Url}/scim/v2/Users add your values instead of <>
"userName":"[email protected]",
"value":"[email protected]",
GET {SCIM_Base_Url}/scim/v2/Users?count=2&startIndex=1
GET {SCIM_Base_Url}/scim/v2/Users?count=1&filter=userName eq "[email protected]"&startIndex=1
PUT {SCIM_Base_Url}/scim/v2/Users/
{ schemas: [ 'urn:ietf:params:scim:schemas:core:2.0:User'], id: 'a5222dc0-4dec-11e6-866c-5b600f3e2809', userName: '[email protected]', name: { givenName: '', middleName: 'undefined', familyName: '' }, active: 'true', meta: { resourceType: 'User', location: '' }, emails: [ { primary: true, type: 'work', value: '[email protected]' } ], displayName: '', externalId: '', groups: [] }
- PATCH {SCIM_Base_Url}/scim/v2/Users/
{ "schemas":["urn:ietf:params:scim:api:messages:2.0:PatchOp"], "Operations":[{"op":"replace","value":{"active":true}}] }