This is a repository template containing all the information that needs to accompany your project.
Feel free to use any languages or frameworks, but the following information must be filled out before hacking ends.
...include the challenge statement(s) the project worked to address
- How might we decrease the United States chances of alien and monster attacks given what we know from popular alien and monster movies?
- How might we make it possible for people in cities not to have to own a car by making car-sharing easier so that the environment will be less damaged and people can save money?
- How might we .... lease 3 sentences describing what the project does and how it works lease 3 sentences describing your target customer and tangible benefits from your solution
... what tech was used to bring this project to life?
- FastAPI
- Hugging Face AI Models
- Next.js
...tell the world who you and your team are 🙂
- Team member X (AAdvantage No)
- Team member Y (AAdvantage No)
- Team member Z (AAdvantage No)
The ABC School
Coding Costars
...point us to where you tell us about your solution 😄
...point us to your PPT or Canva slides 😍
- Team photo
- Team Slack channel
- Communication established with mentor
- Repo creation from this template
- Hangar registration
- Scavenger Hunt submission
- Presentation complete and linked
- Video pitch recorded and linked
- Code merged to main branch
- Presentation complete and linked
- Video pitch recorded and linked
- Code merged to main branch