privkey hunt for crypto currencies that use secp256k1 elliptic curve
VanitySearch, v1.15.4, fork, fix - bitcrack
Tools for computing Elliptic Curve interval discrete logarithms using Pollard's lambda algorithm
This is a modified version of JeanLucPons' Kangaroo. The only change is it saves found keys to a file.
Generate BTC address pair that share the same prefix
As a proof-of-concept, we will show how easy it is to revoke a self-signed certificate using the bitcoin blockchain. This will also demonstrate how we may be able to use similar approaches for more…
Much like John the Ripper, without all the fancy shit. Just reads from a wordlist and cracks those hashes.
Este projeto é fruto de um estudo pessoal sobre o algoritmo Secp256k1. O objetivo dele é conseguir obter, usando apenas os valores da chave pública, o valor correto da chave privada.
Bip39Helper-Pro Generate only valid BTC address with phrases