To-Do List Application 📝✔️
Overview 🌟 A simple To-Do List web application built using ASP.NET Core. It allows users to create, edit, delete, search, and filter tasks. 🖥️✨
Features 🎯 ➕ Add new tasks with title and description. ✏️ Edit and delete tasks. 🔍 Search tasks by title or description. 🗂️ Filter tasks by completion status (Completed ✅ / Not Completed ❌).
Installation ⚙️
- Clone the repository: git clone cd ToDo-List-App
2.Open the project in Visual Studio or any IDE that supports ASP.NET Core. 💻
3.Set Up the Database Make sure SQL Server is installed and running. Check or update the connection string in appsettings.json. Apply migrations: Update-Database (This will create the necessary tables in the database.)
4️. Run the Application 🚀
Usage 🛠️ ➕ Add a new task, ✏️ edit an existing one, or ❌ delete tasks. 🔍 Use the search and filter options to find specific tasks.