Azeroth Wars: Legacy Reborn is a Warcraft 3 macro-strategy map representing the events of the Warcraft story from Reign of Chaos through to World of Warcraft: Cataclysm.
It is written entirely in vJASS. A work-in-progress C# version can be found at
- Clone the project to a local folder
- Run the project once by executing buildTools/AzerothWarsMapCompiler.exe
- The above will probably fail, but you will now have a file called appsettings.{YOURUSERNAME}.json. Modify this file so that it has the correct path to your Warcraft 3 directory
- Run AzerothWarsMapCompiler.exe again. This time, it should compile the map and launch it in Warcraft 3
- Observe that it has also created a published .w3x file in the compiledMaps
Once everything is working, you can also compile and test the map by pressing CTRL+Shift+B from within Visual Studio Code.