Starred repositories
My HUGO Website that I use for Videos, Blogs, and Redirects
Compatible with PHP 7.x - phpMyBackup Pro is a very easy to use, free, web-based MySQL backup application, licensed under the GNU GPL. You can create scheduled backups, manage and restore them, dow…
Laravel starter kit using Inertia.js and Vue.js w/ PrimeVue components.
Gamification platform (badges and levels) based on Laravel
This project aims to enhance the working environment on Windows
BrowserQuest server in PHP base on workerman. A PHP/HTML5/JavaScript multiplayer game experiment.
Destructo PBBG is a group of connected components that you can use to get a persistent browser based game off the ground
Reusable components to build persistent browser-based games with Laravel
A CMS/CRM for creating & managing websites and form leads. Using Laravel, Tailwind CSS, Vue, and Inertia JS
Free Laravel 9.x Jetstream Inertia Bulma Buefy Vue.js 2.x Dashboard
Starterkits Project With Laravel + Inertia JS + Vue + Vuetify
Single page application built using Laravel, Vue.js, Inertia.js and Jetstream. Enhanced with tests, Docker, and various other advanced topics for further exploration and understanding. Powered by D…
A simple Twitch Extension to cover the basics of using the JWT and EBS together to get Twitch API information
Twitch bot creating for Studying, finance, points system, pomodoros, timers ect
A simple and easy to use PHP library for reading from and writing to the twitch irc live chats by partially using the observer design pattern
Simple PHP Twitch API Gateway that only requires the user/channel name to return data
A PHP implementation to interact with the Twitch API.
Twitch extension for Alveus Sanctuary, allowing stream viewers to learn more about the ambassadors at the sanctuary.
A Tamagotchi inspired virtual-pet game created with React.js, using the Material-UI framework.
pocketarc / codeigniter
Forked from bcit-ci/CodeIgniterFork of CI3 kept up to date with PHP 8.4 (and beyond; will be maintained indefinitely).