This is demo app that shows how to use GraphQL with:
First install required dependencies locally using npm ci
Then use Docker to start everything up: docker-compose up
It will setup Postgres database with initial schema and data, server app and client app.
http://localhost:3000 - Server app
GraphQL Server that retrieves data from Postgres Database
You can use GraphqQL Playground http://localhost:3000/graphql to query sample data
categories {
products {
Server app logs basic info of every request (method, url, body) and requests made to database.
http://localhost:8080 - Client app
Simple client built with Webpack that uses Apollo Client to fetch data from server and displays data in json format
- koa
- apollo-server-koa
- graphql
- knex
- graphql
- apollo-client
- apollo-cache-inmemory
- apollo-link-http
- graphql-tag
- webpack