Early Neptune Mutual platform users can benefit from the NEP bond pool by locking their cryptocurrency to create liquidity pairs in PancakeSwap Exchange. After the specified lockup period, you can withdraw your initial token with the addition of an equivalent amount in the NEP token. You do not have to purchase NEP and neither are you exchanging your cryptocurrency for NEP tokens.
How Does a Bond Work?
Select a cryptocurrency to participate in the NEP bond pool which not only generates the following rewards but you will also get all of the liquidity pool fee earned in the PancakeSwap exchange. Furthermore, you can also provide the LP tokens to earn additional rewards in the NEP farms once your LP tokens are released after the locking period.
There is a limited amount of NEP tokens that are allocated to be distributed to the community under "Liquidity Pool Rewards" allocation in our token design. Unlike most DeFi projects with a continuous token minting model, NEP tokens are finite and deflationary. As a consequence, both Bond and Pool features will be completed (ended) as soon as the target amount of NEP distribution completes.
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