mwxt_notes Public
These is a collected of notes and tricks for the Waldorf MicroWave II/XT in PDF format.
ThunderCls's x64dbg Acid Lime Theme remixed
mathTUD Public
Forked from oakoneric/mathTUDLecture notes, exercises and some more stuff created during my study of mathematics at the TU Dresden.
TeX UpdatedMar 19, 2020 -
Forked from henrydatei/TUD_MATH_BAFork for ALG exam
TeX GNU General Public License v3.0 UpdatedJul 26, 2019 -
Bigglesworth_VST264 Public
Forked from MaurizioB/BigglesworthAn editor for Waldorf Blofeld, free and cross-platform
Python UpdatedApr 13, 2019 -
tikzcd-editor Public
Forked from varkor/tikzcd-editorA simple visual editor for creating commutative diagrams.
JavaScript MIT License UpdatedMar 2, 2019 -
Multivariable-Calculus-Concepts-Poster Public
Forked from JakeSledge/Multivariable-Calculus-Concepts-PosterThis was a poster made in my high school's multivariable calculus class for a final project.
TeX UpdatedFeb 8, 2019 -
CloudSeed Public
Forked from ValdemarOrn/CloudSeedAlgorithmic Reverb VST Plugin
C# MIT License UpdatedOct 4, 2018 -
Forked from oakoneric/TUD_MATH_PROGPrograms written during PROG lessons by Prof. Walther @ TU Dresden
Fortran UpdatedJul 16, 2018 -
TP_QI_Mathematische_Ergaenzungen_zur_Quantenmechanik Public
Forked from lkoerber/TP_QI_Mathematische_Ergaenzungen_zur_QuantenmechanikScript for lecture "Mathematische Ergänzungen zur Quantenmechanik" from Priv. Doz. Thomas Beier at TU Dresden.
TeX UpdatedApr 19, 2015