This repository concludes the papers, codes and datasets about airborne lidar point cloud processing.
[DALES] DALES: A Large-scale Aerial LiDAR Data Set for Semantic Segmentation. [seg.
[ISPRS Vaihingen Dataset] ISPRS Test Project on Urban Classification, 3D Building Reconstruction and Semantic Labeling [seg.
[OpenTrench3D] OpenTrench3D: A Photogrammetric 3D Point Cloud Dataset for Semantic Segmentation of Underground Utilities [seg.
[SUMS] SUM: A Benchmark Dataset of Semantic Urban Meshes [seg.
[Toronto-3D] Toronto-3D: A Large-scale Mobile LiDAR Dataset for Semantic Segmentation of Urban Roadways [seg.
[DFC2019] 2019 IEEE Data Fusion Contest data, baselines, and metrics [seg.
[ECLAIR] ECLAIR: A High-Fidelity Aerial LiDAR Dataset for Semantic Segmentation [seg.
[Roof3D] Deep Learning Training Data for 3D Building Reconstruction [seg.
[VASAD] VASAD: a Volume and Semantic dataset for Building Reconstruction from Point Clouds [seg.
] Towards Semantic Segmentation of Urban-Scale 3D Point Clouds: A Dataset, Benchmarks and Challenges [seg.
[Swiss3DCities] Swiss3DCities: Aerial Photogrammetric 3D Pointcloud Dataset with Semantic Labels [seg.
[DublinCity] DublinCity: Annotated LiDAR Point Cloud and its Applications [seg.
[H3D] The Hessigheim 3D (H3D) Benchmark on Semantic Segmentation of High-Resolution 3D Point Clouds and Textured Meshes from UAV LiDAR and Multi-View-Stereo [seg.
[Urb3DCD] Change Detection in Urban Point Clouds: An Experimental Comparison with Simulated 3D Datasets. [cd.
[STPLS3D]A Large-Scale Synthetic and Real Aerial Photogrammetry 3D Point Cloud Dataset [seg.
Airborne particle classification in lidar point clouds using deep learning
Airborne laser scanning point cloud classification using the DGCNN deep learning method
Scalable 3D Panoptic Segmentation As Superpoint Graph Clustering
Learnable Earth Parser: Discovering 3D Prototypes in Aerial Scans
Efficient 3D Semantic Segmentation with Superpoint Transformer
Self-Supervised Pre-Training Boosts Semantic Scene Segmentation on LiDAR Data
Object Segmentation of Cluttered Airborne LiDAR Point Clouds
A dual attention neural network for airborne LiDAR point cloud semantic segmentation
ConvPoint: Generalizing discrete convolutions for unstructured point clouds
KPConv: Flexible and Deformable Convolution for Point Clouds
ShellNet: Efficient Point Cloud Convolutional Neural Networks using Concentric Shells Statistics
Large-scale Point Cloud Semantic Segmentation with Superpoint Graphs
PointNet++: Deep Hierarchical Feature Learning on Point Sets in a Metric Space
- Scalable 3D Panoptic Segmentation As Superpoint Graph Clustering[PDF][Codes]
- FRACTAL: An Ultra-Large-Scale Aerial Lidar Dataset for 3D Semantic Segmentation of Diverse Landscapes[PDF][Codes]
- ECLAIR: A High-Fidelity Aerial LiDAR Dataset for Semantic Segmentation[PDF][Codes]
- RoofDiffusion: Constructing Roofs from Severely Corrupted Point Data via Diffusion[PDF][Codes]
- Towards Explainable LiDAR Point Cloud Semantic Segmentation via Gradient Based Target Localization[PDF][Codes]
- Learnable Earth Parser: Discovering 3D Prototypes in Aerial Scans[PDF][Codes]
- Efficient 3D Semantic Segmentation with Superpoint Transformer[PDF][Codes]
- Self-Supervised Pre-Training Boosts Semantic Scene Segmentation on LiDAR Data[PDF][Codes]
- Small but Mighty: Enhancing 3D Point Clouds Semantic Segmentation with U-Next Framework[PDF][Codes]
- A Data-efficient Framework for Robotics Large-scale LiDAR Scene Parsing[PDF][Codes]
- APNet: Urban-level Scene Segmentation of Aerial Images and Point Clouds[PDF][Codes]
- Mask3D: Mask Transformer for 3D Instance Segmentation[PDF][Codes]
- City3D: Large-Scale Building Reconstruction from Airborne LiDAR Point Clouds[PDF][Codes]
- LACV-Net: Semantic Segmentation of Large-Scale Point Cloud Scene via Local Adaptive and Comprehensive VLAD[PDF][Codes]
- Push-the-Boundary: Boundary-aware Feature Propagation for Semantic Segmentation of 3D Point Clouds[PDF][Codes]
- LCPFormer: Towards Effective 3D Point Cloud Analysis via Local Context Propagation in Transformers[PDF][Codes]
- SoftGroup for 3D Instance Segmentation on Point Clouds[PDF][Codes]
- SQN: Weakly-Supervised Semantic Segmentation of Large-Scale 3D Point Clouds[PDF][Codes]
- OpenGF: An Ultra-Large-Scale Ground Filtering Dataset Built Upon Open ALS Point Clouds Around the World[PDF][Codes]
- SCF-Net: Learning Spatial Contextual Features for Large-Scale Point Cloud Segmentation[PDF][Codes]
- BAAF-Net: Semantic Segmentation for Real Point Cloud Scenes via Bilateral Augmentation and Adaptive Fusion[PDF][Codes]
ShellNet: Efficient Point Cloud Convolutional Neural Networks using Concentric Shells Statistics[PDF][Codes]
KPConv: Flexible and Deformable Convolution for Point Clouds[PDF][Codes]
- ConvPoint: Continuous Convolutions for Point Cloud Processing[PDF][Codes]
- Large-scale Point Cloud Semantic Segmentation with Superpoint Graphs[PDF][Codes]
- PointCNN: Convolution On X-Transformed Points[PDF][Codes]
- 3D Semantic Segmentation with Submanifold Sparse Convolutional Networks[PDF][Codes]
- Open3D:
- PCL:
- PCL-Python:
- Torch-Points3D:
- mmdetection3d:
- OpenPCDet:
- PyTorch3D:
- Minkowski Engine:
- pointcloudset: