XML_RPC2 is a pear package providing XML_RPC client and server services. XML-RPC is a simple remote procedure call protocol built using HTTP as transport and XML as encoding. As a client library, XML_RPC2 is capable of creating a proxy class which exposes the methods exported by the server. As a server library, XML_RPC2 is capable of exposing methods from a class or object instance, seamlessly exporting local methods as remotely callable procedures.
- forked from pear/XML_RPC2
- Ready to use with composer in nette project
"name": "my/project",
"description": "This is my project...",
"repositories": [
"type": "vcs",
"url": "https://github.com/ludekslevercz/XML_RPC2"
"type": "git",
"url": "https://github.com/ludekslevercz/HTTP_Request2"
"require": {
"php": ">= 5.5.1",
"nette/nette": "~2.3",
"pear/xml_rpc2": "dev-nette",
"pear/http_request2": "dev-nette"
Author: [email protected]