Protocol classes for the Language Server Protocol in PHP
A more advanced PHP implementation of the JSONRPC Protocol 📞❗
Collection of polyfill (backport) and incubator features for Symfony 3
Kernel (Repository, MVC layer, REST) for eZ Platform
[Community co-maintained] XmlText field type for eZ Platform
Repository dedicated to eZ Platform User management.
Solr powered search handler for eZ Platform (and branch 1.0 for eZ Publish 5.4)
eZ Platform Rich Text Field Type Bundle
Repository dedicated to Matrix Field Type for eZ Platform, it replaces previous version found on ezcommunity/EzMatrixFieldTypeBundle
HTTP cache handling for eZ Platform, using multi tagging (incl Varnish xkey)
GraphQL server for eZ Platform, the open source Symfony CMS.
Repository dedicated to the eZ Platform Core Bundles & Components.
Repository dedicated to re-useable React JS components for eZ Platform Admin UI
Repository dedicated to the eZ Platform Admin UI Bundle, Admin UI for eZ Platform v2+
Meta repository that pulls in all dependencies for clean distribution of Ibexa Platform.
eZ Support Tools Bundle, provides functionality for system information and in the future tools for identifying issues.
Bundle for common reusable sentance implementations & other common needs for Behat testing in eZ bundles/projects.
The Doctrine Reflection project is a simple library used by the various Doctrine projects which adds some additional functionality on top of the reflection API that comes with PHP. It allows you to…