Awesome online code editor that lets people collaborate in real-time.
- README репозитория
- EditorConfig
- средства для проверки кода (JsHint, JsCs)
- PreCommit Hook
- Plato, для проверки различных показателей кода
- тестовое окружение (Mocha + Chai)
- Istanbul, для контроля тестового покрытия кода
- production сборка в gulp
- бейджики в README 😄
- тесты для серверной части
- возможность ввода имени пользователя, валидация ввода
- синхронизация полльзователей с помощью ShareJS
- периодический рефакторинг ранее написанного кода (клиент и сервер)
App development depends on npm, the Node package manager, which is distributed with Node.js. If you haven't done so already, be sure to download and run the prebuilt Node.js installer for your platform from the Node.js website. Then, to run app locally, follow these steps:
Clone the app GitHub repo in your desktop.
Use your command line tool to navigate to the cloned app directory and install the modules required to run the app:
cd team-2 npm update
Install MongoDB and run server:
For more information, see manual.
Install gulp globally:
npm install -g gulp
Run default gulp task:
The app should start on http://localhost:3000/
Just run in console:
npm test
Now we have code analysis and test coverage reports.
Just run in console:
npm run report
See report