Python wrapper to Google Search service.
rovide a wrapper for the following service:
- Google Search
- Google Translate
Forked from xgoogle by Peteris Krumins [email protected]
- Holger Berndt
- Juanjo Conti
- Steve Steiner
- azappella
It may voilate the Google Terms of Service
Don’t misuse our Services. For example, don’t interfere with our Services or try to access them using a method other than the interface and the instructions that we provide.
I just provide it for personal study and research.
Here is an example usage of Google Search module:
>>> from import GoogleSearch
>>> gs = GoogleSearch("catonmat")
>>> gs.results_per_page = 25
>>> results = gs.get_results()
>>> for res in results:
... print res.title.encode('utf8')
good coders code, great reuse
MIT's Introduction to Algorithms, Lectures 1 and 2: Analysis of ...
catonmat - Google Code
The GoogleSearch object has several public methods and properties:
method get_results() - gets a page of results, returning a list of SearchResult objects.
property num_results - returns number of search results found.
property results_per_page - sets/gets the number of results to get per page.
property page - sets/gets the search page.
A SearchResult object has three attributes -- "title", "desc", and "url". They are Unicode strings, so do a proper encoding before outputting them.
Here is an example usage of Google Translate module:
>>> from xgoogle.translate import Translator
>>> translate = Translator().translate
>>> print translate("Mani sauc Pēteris", lang_to="ru").encode('utf-8')
Меня зовут Петр
>>> print translate("Mani sauc Pēteris", lang_to="en")
My name is Peter
>>> print translate("Меня зовут Петр")
My name is Peter
The "translate" function takes three arguments - "message", "lang_from" and "lang_to". If "lang_from" is not given, Google's translation service auto-detects it. If "lang_to" is not given, it defaults to "en" (English).
In case of an error the "translate" function throws "TranslationError" exception. Make sure to wrap your code in try/except block to catch it:
>>> from xgoogle.translate import Translator, TranslationError
>>> try:
>>> translate = Translator().translate
>>> print translate("")
>>> except TranslationError, e:
>>> print e
Failed translating: invalid text
The Google Translate module also provides "LanguageDetector" class that can be used to detect the language of the text.
Here is an example usage of LanguageDetector:
>>> from xgoogle.translate import LanguageDetector, DetectionError
>>> detect = LanguageDetector().detect
>>> english = detect("This is a wonderful library.")
>>> english.lang_code
>>> english.lang
>>> english.confidence
>>> english.is_reliable
The "DetectionError" may get raised if the detection failed.
Licensed under MIT license.