Firmware sources for use with the MappyDot Plus - The firmware is developed for use and compilation with Atmel Studio.
Please note, the Debug release of this firmware will not fit with the bootloader. When developing and debugging you will need to disable some functions or erase the bootloader and BOOTRST fuses. Some non critical functions can be easily disabled with the DEV_DISABLE compiler flag. When running with the bootloader, the compiled size needs to be under 0x7C00 bytes to work with bootloader.
MappyDots can be queried for their firmware version with the I2C command N (0x4E). It returns a 10 byte character array representing the firmware version. Stable major releases of the binary firmware will be built and placed the the Releases directory.
- MDPFW_V1.0 (15/03/2018) - Release firmware.
- MDPFW_V1.1 (12/06/2018) - Calibration fixes. Added erase settings function. Merged 2.3.1 API.
- MDPFW_V1.2 (23/09/2018) - Merged 2.3.3 API. Intersensor Sync Function (syncs all devices in chain). Tweaked Filter (outputs raw values when error is high). Added hidden pin test commands (test commands now only work under factory mode). Fixed FOV/ROI set on startup and after mode change.
- Inter-device crosstalk grouping. Will allow you to assign groups to devices to prevent crosstalk.
- Assign new start address to master and assign master in firmware.
- Access internal VL53L1x register table (read only) .