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Hakim El Hattab edited this page Jun 3, 2015 · 2 revisions

This page contains guidelines for creating a reveal.js plugin.

Separate Repository

All plugins should live in their own dedicated repositories rather than being submitted as pull requests towards the reveal.js repository.

For a long time plugins have been included directly inside of this repository. However this was a poor decision from the start since it meant that issue tracking and maintenance related to the plugins were mixed with the project core, making the core increasingly hard to maintain. It's important that they remain separate so that the plugin's author can maintaining their code separately, rather than involving the maintainer(s) of reveal.js. Existing plugins will eventually be moved out as well.

Plugin List

Please feel free to add your plugins to the plugins page. This page is referenced in the project README and should be a good place for users of reveal.js to discover your plugin.

Plugin Structure

There are currently no guidelines or rules for how to structure your plugins. If your plugin consists of JavaScript you can make use of the built-in dependency loading.