Repo for talks I've given at conferences, Meetups, and luncheons.
"Latest Developments in GANs" talk to be given at ODSC East on May 4, 2018.
"Deep Learning from Scratch using Python" talk given on November 4, 2017 at ODSC West. Here is a link to the talk description, and here is a link to the video of the talk.
In the talk, I walk through the RISE-powered Jupyter notebook here. To see the talk as it was presented, clone this repo, install RISE, open up the notebook as a RISE presentation and enjoy!
"Neural Nets: What Are They? And Should We Be Scared of Them?" talk given on September 12, 2017 at the Chicago Chapter of the American Statistical Association. Here is a video of the talk.
This Keynote presentation has a ton of animations, so I recommend you clone this repo, open up the presentation in Keynote, and step through it in presenter mode.
A work-in-progress talk to be delivered on February 1, 2018 at the Boston Deep Learning Meetup.