- Gain some knowledge of obfuscation/bytecode/re (Optional)
This deobfuscator does not provide any gui or configuration file because it's meant to run through an IDE.
To configure deobfuscator for your preferences you need to edit Loader class.
- superblaubeere27 / JObf / sb27
- Paramorphism 2.1.2_9
- Caesium
- Monsey
- (Skid)q
Protect(Not Latest) - Scuti
- CheatBreaker
- Bozar
- RakSzild: Some stupid polish obfuscator used in HackShield
- HP888: Some stupid polish obfuscator v2 used in EyfenCord/SafeMC
- Binsecure 0.4/Latest
- (Skid)q
Protect - Radon
- Colonial
- Sentinel
If you know nothing bout deobfuscation use precomposed ones
Most of transformers are done without frames so they might not work sometimes
Just add
to jvm arguments if still doesn't work then open issue
Deobfuscator only makes code readable for humans also if some decompilators can't decompile class try another and if no one works just create issue that includes:
[sample jar with obfuscation, deobfuscator transformers, deobfuscator log file]
and optional obfuscator name